Every day our time is wasted by unsolicited email. Spam filters help us separate out the stuff we definitely don’t want to be bothered with. They fall short, however, in separating the important stuff from the maybe-I’ll-read-it-later materials.
Here is where we can utilize multiple email addresses to save time. When you shop online, sign up to receive information about a product or service, join a bulletin board — give them a secondary address. Keep private the email address you print on your business cards and use to collaborate with colleges, clients, and friends. Many people can tell you from experience that once some online marketers get a hold of your email, they will never give up sending you spam and they wont stop selling your email address to other marketers either.
- Use a secondary email address for online activities such as shopping and forums.
- In office environments create departmental email addresses which can be shared by multiple employees for increased productivity and quick business data access.
- Use a program such as Microsoft Outlook to make comprehensive view of multiple email accounts quick and simple.
One you have the really important email separated out from messages containing sales receipts and product updates, you can work more efficiently. If you are having a busy day, you can stay focused on the inbox that matters, and when you need to find that receipt or are wondering if some company or sales person out there has sent you a discount offer, give your second inbox a look.
If you are a small business this comes with added benefits — You can share such an inbox with other employees. I recommend setting up an email account such as purchasing@yourdomain.com and adding this inbox to Outlook for everyone in the company with the ability to spend money on its behalf. This provides you with a single email inbox where you know you can find every invoice from all of our major vendors, for example. How much did that new inventory item one of your employees just purchased cost? A quick search for the part number gives you the a list of every time this item was ordered, what it cost, and even what the invoice number was.
A great way to manage two email accounts to use software such as Microsoft Outlook, and set them up as separate inboxes that you can conveniently click between.
Organizing your email is a simple and effective way to improve productivity. If you would like assistance from a pro on best managing your email call 914-562-1800.