by Dylan Hall | Sep 27, 2012 | Business, Google Apps, Small Business
This video is a great introductory explanation of what “cloud computing” means.
by Dylan Hall | Nov 30, 2010 | Business, Google Apps, Small Business
Google Apps Series Episode 3: Google Docs Here is a great overview of Google Docs for business use. One of the most amazing features is that multiple workers can edit the same document or spreadsheet at the same time. This represents a substantial productivity gain as...
by Dylan Hall | Nov 29, 2010 | Business, Email, Google Apps, Small Business
This video demonstrates how Google Apps for Business provides small businesses with an easy to use productivity boost.
by Dylan Hall | Nov 29, 2010 | Business, Email, Google Apps
If you have tried out Gmail, you might find that there is one thing seriously missing: spell check. I have good news for you — the solution is simple. Simply download and install Mozilla Firefox or the Google Chrome web browser. Both of these browsers have...
by Dylan Hall | Nov 29, 2010 | Business, Email, Google Apps, Small Business
Google Apps Series Episode 1: An Introduction to Google Apps for Business. Google is providing small and medium sized businesses with tools that were previously only within reach of large organizations that can afford expensive server rooms and IT staff. In this...
by Admin | Nov 22, 2010 | Business, Email, Google Apps
Many people find the Google Apps mail interface a bit cluttered at first. There are quick and easy ways to customize the view settings for your mail to make it less cluttered. The two changes I recommend are: 1. Remove Web Clips 2. Remove Snippets Here’s a...